Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cookie Dough Idea..Yes or No?

Some people have talked about not really wanting to do cookie dough or not having time to make all of the batches.

What do you think? Do you want to participate in the cookie exchange? Or bag the idea all together?

If you want to participate, we will add you to the list, and we can just make enough batches between those of us that want in.

Please let me know what you think.




Suz said...

I am in.

The Whitney's said...

I would like some cookies.

Meghan said...

im in. i might have to store it elsewhere though.

Jolene said...

I'm out!

Angel said...

I'm in too. Should we sign up for different flavors so everyone doesn't make choco chip

Meghan said...

someone should contact the ladies who aren't regulars to this blog to see if they are in.

Suz said...

Erin is in.

The Whitney's said...

I want to make chocalte cookies with white chocolate chips.

TravandNat said...

Jess is out. She can't come at all. We're going to make meals for her, but she doesn't want cookies.

How about Cheryl?

I was planning on making peanut butter chocolate chip, but can change if we need.

When you make your batches, please put them in a Ziploc freezer bag. Write on the bag, what kind of cookie they are, and the baking instructions. Please also bring a copy of the recipe for everyone.

The Whitney's said...

How many servings should we make for each family. I don't really want to make nor do I have the money to make 10 batches of 24 servings each and I also don't want to take home 240 servings of cookies. I just wanted to know how many servings per cookie mix everyone will be getting. Does that even make sense?

Angel said...

If you are participating in the cookie dough exchange bring 7 (don't bring youself a bag) bags of dough (unless Katie or Cheryl are not participating in which case it would be 6 or 5 bags)We can do enough for 1 doz., if 2 doz per bag is too much.
Cheryl ?

Suz said...

Cheryl is freezerless so she is out.

Suz said...

Nat----don't change your mind. THey sound AWESOME!

TravandNat said...

Katie doesn't want any either so, it's just down to 5 bags. Let's stick to 1 doz. per bag. That should make it easy! One batch of my cookies makes 5 doz.

Angel said...

I will do peanut butter cookies

Katie Jo said...

I'm out sorry to be a pooper, but i'm on a diet and the last thing I need to 5 dozen cookies tempting me to eat them! Love you all! And great idea

Angel said...

Wait... I didn't see Nat comment- I will do something else like basic sugar cookies.