Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sweet & Sour Meatballs

Heat in the microwave for a few minutes & serve over rice. or, bake for awhile if micro-ed meatballs creep you out.


Meghan said...

we had this for dinner tonight. cooked in oven for an hour of so. i don't care for the costco meatballs, and the sauce seemed extra oily. we all ate it, ty liked it, kids loved it. ryan licked the sauce all gone. i have had upset tummies since. (but i'm not very used to oily food). interested to know what others think of this one.

Suz said...

This was a hit and there was not a meatball to be found when we left the table.

TravandNat said...

We had this tonight. I had to find something that could be cooked from frozen that was relatively quick..this was! I microwaved the meatballs for about 20 minutes (5 minute increments). After the third round, I was able to drain most of the grease out, and so they weren't as oily. We served them over minute rice.

Angel said...

Thawed it in the micro and then cooked them in the oven until hot. Served over rice and it turned out great. I agree with Nat about liking that I didn't have to decide the night before in order to thaw this meal. Took about 40 min to thaw and then bake.