Friday, April 10, 2009

Breaded Ranch Chicken


TravandNat said...

MMMM! We really liked this. The chicken was so moist, and didn't taste too ranchy. I served it with herb and butter rice, and a green salad. Tasty!!

Jolene said...

This one's a good one, we should do it again. I have found I have to thaw these meals for 48 hours in the fridge and then they are actually thawed and cook pretty well without drying out. I only cooked this one for 55 min. and could have done it for 50.

Suz said...

The people liked this a lot. I got in on it on day 2 and it was a bit dry so I just drank more diet coke.

Meghan said...

ty and the kids had this hours before i got home. kids liked it, ty thought the breading and flavor a bit weird, but by the time i re-heated it, i thought it was good. and i don't like ranch flavor.

Jolene said...

I think we need to add more ranch sauce or something to make it a little moister. The bread crumbs seemed dry. But I still liked it.